pete patrick fanfiction slash vampire

Fight The Good Fight [Driving a '67 Chevy Impala] - The road so
fanfic : vampire hunting picspams · fanfic : vampire hunting prequels Vampire Hunting Series: Vampire hunting is the world's oldest profession (And I, dear Madame, Maja looked between Pete and Patrick . “I think we have a problem.” .... So deep in the closet - [ Gabe Saporta/William Beckett, NC-17, slash ,
Dean thomas slash - redline slash
28 Aug 2009 characters: Pete and Patrick AU: school, vampires . Every morning Patrick is .... They're not gay,I write (badly) slash fanfics just for fun.
peterick « 8infinityonhigh8's Blog
This site may harm your computer. pete patrick slash wartime. harry potter slash darkest magic. fang max slash fanfics . welcoming gift f f slash . slash guitar 2008
Patrick pete nc-17 slash | jthm slash
Also, it's helpful to see one or two before reading fic so that you know what the band Featuring guest appearances from William Beckett, Vampire Dandy, Deer Boy, However, if you're not into slash , the subtext is all in the captions; Pete and Patrick living a romance novel cliche in the far, far future.
These boys were made for kissing
26 Jan 2011 Nobody HAS to read bad slash - googling for a random image and being inundated Buffy the Vampire Slayer - Spike/Any Male is the most popular currently. Fall Out Boy - Patrick / Pete is the most popular currently. Of course, most of you bastards here at ED enjoy doing that and FanFiction .
Find Pete Patrick Slash Fanfiction Peterick
It's Pete / Patrick M-Preg and had me flailing at points because it's...well,
Story Finders! -
29 Nov 2007 Don't read if you don't like slash ! I'm not going to deal with those comments. On to the story.~ Patrick met Pete on a cold November day.
PATRICKxPETER » you couldn't make this shit up.
SPB is a community designed to slash the guys from our favorite bands: .... Prompt: "the time Pete and Patrick were making out and went off to have sex and stumbled in on Andy and Mixon. ( Vampire !Spencer fic ), [01 Feb 2011|11:01pm]
[untitled peterick] -1/? « 8infinityonhigh8's Blog
2 Apr 2008 Slash . Ginny died and Ron and Hermione Divorce. Two-shot
thewingedword | It's rec time...
20 posts - 16 authors - Last post: 13 JanI don't mind what pairing, whether it's het or slash or femmeslash and what Or if anyone knows of any MCR vampire stories, those are always cool. I'm looking for something well-written where Patrick is Pete's rock. Considering I basically haven't read any fan fiction for over a year,
Fanfic - Love Set Fire
10 posts - 7 authors - Last post: yesterday Pete finds himself in the strangest predicament of his... life? When harsh comments fly between Pete and Patrick ,things get out of whack. Genre: Slash > Angst, Chapters: 1. Words: 1996. Reviews: 0, Views: 162
Fan Fiction Pete Wentz
10 posts - 6 authors - Last post: 17 Jun 2007She also claims that she can cure Pete's vampirism and make him
My Fanfics
for the life of me i can't castrate a cow posting in Jj's fanfiction I recently became addicted to pete /patric. Loved it.
Buffy the Vampire Slayer - Whispered Words [ Slash recommendations
Dean thomas slash . harry slash bob part post, fang max slash fanfics , harry slash bob part post, patrick pete slash community. xander angel slash
Slashfic - Encyclopedia Dramatica
Media Fandoms: Buffy The Vampire Slayer & Angel: the Series . DC Universe . Heroes . .... Fall Out Boy; Pete / Patrick /Andy/Joe. «To Index. Fanfiction